Blockchain Product traceability solution

Application Scenarios

Agricultural Products

Aquaculture Products

Industrial Products

Medical Supplies

IoT + Supply Chain


Industry Status & Pain Points

Behavior is not traceable, Data is easily tampered with

The traceability information is kept by the stakeholders and recorded by each enterprise in the supply chain, forming an information island, and the data cannot be traced; at the same time, the information is stored in a centralized system, the data security is low, and it is easy to be tampered with or lost.

The information is not equal, the products are shoddy

Unscrupulous traders take advantage of loopholes and information asymmetry in various links in the commodity chain to manufacture fake and shoddy commodities, and pass them off as shoddy products.

Multi-party collaborationis inefficient

Commodities involve multiple subjects in the entire life cycle, and there is a lot of interaction and collaboration between subjects. Due to the opaque and unsmooth information, it is difficult for each participant to accurately understand the status of relevant matters and existing problems, thus affecting the efficiency of collaboration

High cost of system construction

For small and medium-sized enterprises, the cost of directly connecting the entire traceability system is high. Due to the inconsistency of current product coding and traceability standards, it further increases the burden of small and medium-sized enterprises in building a traceability system.

Platform Advantage

Determination of Responsibility

The whole process of goods from production to sales can be traced back. After disputes arise, the problem links can be quickly located

Commodity Anti-Counterfeiting

One product is one code, and the information in the whole process is written into the blockchain. The information on the chain cannot be tampered with to ensure the uniqueness of the product.

Collaborative Management

Data on the chain can be shared and queried between different enterprises and departments, which can effectively solve the problems of information islands and data fragmentation

Smart Audit

The whole process of goods from production to sales can be traced back. After disputes arise, the problem links can be quickly located

Brand Effect

Effectively prevent counterfeit products from entering the market and avoid economic and reputation losses. Retrospectively restore the problem, comprehensively improve management capabilities, and enhance brand reputation.

Platform Architecture

Architecture description

Commodity traceability platform utilizes blockchain technology, and combines its unique non-tamperable distributed ledger record feature with Internet of Things and other technologies to realize information collection and record from source, raw material source traceability, production process, processing link, warehousing for commodities The whole process of information, inspection batches, logistics turnover, third-party quality inspection, customs entry and exit, and anti-counterfeiting authentication can be traced.

Architectural Advantage

A The data stored on the chain is strongly associated with cryptographic signatures and hashes in chronological order, endorsed by multiple parties, and cannot be tampered with.

B Reduce trust and communication costs through blockchain technology.

C Based on the chain structure of the blockchain, all data on the chain can be traced forward and backward.

Case Process